Gender Equality in Sport in North Macedonia

Gender Equality in Sport_N Macedonia_cover
UN Women North Macedonia

This analysis is a contribution to the important steps towards positive changes for women’s sport in the Republic of North Macedonia which have been made alongside wider national and international debates around gender equality in sport and contributes to overcoming the persisting lack of research and data in the field on country level.

The European Union has highlighted the importance of tackling gender issues and introducing equal access to sport regardless of gender, age, social background, etc. in a number of strategic documents and communication. On the EU accession path, this analysis will enable policymakers and other relevant stakeholders in the Republic of North Macedonia for a more successful gender mainstreaming into all sports-related activities and to ensure that sport policies and legislation are based upon gender equality.

With a comprehensive overview of the legal framework, relevant policy documents, and stakeholders’ interviews, it examines sport and gender equality on a global and European level, connecting it to the country's context. It examines the country’s efforts towards gender equality in sport and presents information on the current needs of women in sport in the country, through experiences of women athletes, sport managers, and other relevant stakeholders.

This analysis is produced within the Gender Equality Facility (GEF) North Macedonia, implemented by UN Women in North Macedonia in partnership with the Secretariat for European Affairs and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, with the financial support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency – Sida.

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Ana Dimovska, GEF Communications consultant, [ Click to reveal ]

Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Assessments Briefs
UN Women office publishing: North Macedonia Programme Presence Office
Publication year
Number of pages