Research study on the perception of men and boys on child, early and forced marriages in Turkey

This publication presents the findings of the “Research study on the perception of men and boys on child, early and forced marriages in Turkey” commissioned by UN Women and conducted by SAM Research and Consulting, Inc. in June 2019. The study was carried out under the United Nations Joint Programme for the Prevention of Child, Early, and Forced Marriage in Turkey, implemented with funding by Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).
The research study offers comprehensive analysis on how men’s perceptions and attitudes act as enabling or preventing factors for child, early and forced marriages in Turkey. It shows direct and strong correlation between men's higher awareness on the importance and benefits of gender equality with consequently more egalitarian behaviors and attitudes and less tolerance to child, early and forced marriages (CEFM). The study thus provides important insights into creating behavioral change, and facilitating stronger engagement of men and boys towards the elimination of CEFM and achieving gender equality. The study findings will contribute to the development of further measures and policies that will transform harmful social norms and attitudes, accelerate progress towards the elimination of CEFM and advance the rights of women and girls in Turkey, in line with the Sustainable Devbelopment Goals.