Strategic approach to women candidates' success in election campaigns

Adnan Kadribasic

To support equal representation of women in Bosnia and Herzegovina, UNDP and UN Women have produced a baseline study on "Barriers to political participation of women in Bosnia and Herzegovina", as part of the "Women in elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina" project financed by the Government of Sweden. The baseline study confirmed the existence of structural barriers to political participation of women in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and concluded that investing in a bottom-up approach, combining it with a top-down approach and harvesting on the existing results can contribute to equal participation of women.

This brochure is produced based on the findings and recommendations of the baseline study, and it offers practical information that could help women candidates to better understand the electoral system and impact of electorate's gender prejudices and stereotypes. Brochure also helps women candidates to develop their own approach to increase their chances of success in the elections. It outlines general information about the election process in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as the baseline study points out to a varied understanding on advantages and disadvantages of different electoral systems. This brochure also contains practical instructions on how to plan and manage election campaigns in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is primarily intended for women candidates since women are underrepresented in majority of legislative bodies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also for bodies of political parties aimed at supporting women's political participation, such as women's associations and forums.

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978-9926-8355-9-0, 978-9926-8461-0-7