Gender equality and the COVID-19 outbreak: Key messages and advocacy points from the Europe and Central Asia Regional Issue-Based Coalition on Gender

United Nations Europe and Central Asia Issue-Based Coalition

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold and present new complexities and challenges for countries across the Europe and Central region, including for women and girls, there is a need for further guidance and tools to ensure that gender equality is at the forefront of COVID-19 response. In response to these challenges, the UN Regional Issue-Based Coalition on Gender (comprised of 14 UN agencies) has developed a short guidance note on gender equality and the COVID-19 outbreak. The guidance note provides key messages on the gender impact of COVID-19, advocacy points and recommendations to help guide and inform country-level response efforts across the Europe and Central Asia region.

To help provide quick access to key tools and resources on gender integration in COVID-19 response, the Regional Issue-Based Coalition on Gender also developed a resource repository on gender integration in COVID-19 response. The repository includes a compilation of key UN messaging and practical resources and tools to assess and address gender implications of COVID-19. Regional and country examples of how the needs of women and girls are being effectively addressed in response efforts are also included as well as links to webinars and trainings to increase country capacities to integrate gender into programming.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Europe and Central Asia
Resource type(s): Manuals and tools
Publication year