“Building More Inclusive, Sustainable and Prosperous Societies in Europe and Central Asia: From vision to achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals – call for action from the regional UN system”

ECA-Regional-Advocacy-Paper-2017 cover

The 2017 edition of the Regional Advocacy Paper covers 14 Issue Briefs on key development challenges in Europe and Central Asia region. The Regional Advocacy Paper provides key policy recommendations that can help countries overcome the existing development bottlenecks and boost the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, leaving no one behind. It is intended to contribute to the development dialogue in the region on the need for integrated and coherent policies based on the principles of national ownership, whole-of-government and whole-ofsociety approaches, and will help accelerate SDG implementation in all countries of the region.The focus in this edition is on the implementation of the SDGs, as compared to 2013 edition which focussed on advocacy for and promotion of sustainable development agenda and upcoming SDGs. The Paper presents clear interconnections between respective SDGs within and across all Issue Briefs.The Paper is a result of joint work of the regional UN system (UNECE, UNFPA, WHO, UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF, ILO, UN-Women, UNEP, UNESCO, UNIDO, FAO, OHCHR and IAEA). 

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