Transforming the national AIDS response: Advancing women’s leadership and participation/Новые подходы в реализации национальных мер по противодействию СПИДу

Tyler Crone

The second in a series of resource guides dedicated to strategies that incorporate gender equality and women's rights into national HIV and AIDS responses, Transforming the National AIDS Response: Advancing Women's Leadership and Participation discusses ways to promote women's leadership and the meaningful participation of HIV-positive women in any AIDS response.

Despite international commitments, HIV-positive women's participation and voices are largely missing from decision-making in HIV and AIDS responses. Conducted in collaboration with the ATHENA network, this study lays out how women and those most affected by the epidemic participate in the response, and assesses opportunities, challenges and strategies to promote their full and meaningful participation.

Based on case studies, the study includes a series of in-depth interviews with more than 100 decision-makers, institutional heads and women leaders.

The five key findings that emerge from this review argue that transforming the AIDS response requires a more dedicated commitment to developing women as agents of change and as active partners in defining and implementing global and local solutions to HIV. Concluding with 10 recommendations — aimed at donors, national governments and institutional leaders — to address the systemic obstacles to participation women face, the study calls for long-term commitments to increased resources to reduce women's vulnerability to HIV and AIDS. 

The translation into Russian was facilitated in 2013 by the UN Women Multi-Country Office Kazakhstan (Central Asia).

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Aijamal Duishebaeva, Communications and Advocacy Specialist, UN Women MCO Kazakhstan, e-mail:

Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Kazakhstan
Subject areas: HIV and AIDS
Resource type(s): Manuals and tools
Publication year
Number of pages