Establishing and Strengthening an Association of Women Police- The Case of the Association of Women in Kosovo (under UN SCR 1244) Police

This report presents lessons learned and best practices from the establishment of the Association of Women in the Kosovo Police (AWKP), which was extensively supported by the UN Women office in Kosovo from 2010 onwards. Associations of women police can promote gender equality in police forces by empowering women police officers to develop strategies and activities to overcome work challenges.
Drawing on the establishment of the AWKP, this report highlights key steps in creating an association of women police. It concludes with recommendations on issues that can emerge during this process and presents best practices and lessons learned in Kosovo.
The report sets out in practical terms the key milestones in the AWKP’s establishment and growth.
The first chapter focuses on the AWKP’s initiation and key building blocks. The second covers the AWKP’s formal establishment, in particular the creation of operational and communication structure. The third chapter considers sustainability and the AWKP’s outputs.
The report concludes with recommendations to improve the process and replicate it elsewhere. These recommendations are grouped by these major themes and issues:
- Reflecting the context;
- Functionalising the association of women police;
- Meeting women’s needs;
- Communication and awareness raising;
- Training and capacity building;
- Support from UN Women and other partners.