The Global UN Women programme “Gender and Democratic Governance in Development - Delivering Basic Services for Women” in Tajikistan


Services for Women

Tajikistan is one of the pilot countries of the Global Programme “Gender and Democratic Governance in Development - Delivering Basic Services for Women”. The programme aims to support and provide assistance for the reforms in the area of governance in Tajikistan by improving the service delivery in the social protection sector and the civic registration services for vulnerable people at the district level paying a particular attention to innovations that provide an access for the most vulnerable people to resources and services with a particular focus on women.

The project supports the initiative of introducing the concept of gender-responsive budgeting into the social protection sector. Assistance provided by UN Women in 2012 encouraged the consideration and review of the budgeting system in the social protection sector. This initiative assisted the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection in Tajikistan to adopt the priority of gender budgeting in the process of budget planning and calculation. Besides, a gender budgeting analysis was carried out in the pilot districts of Sughd Oblast (Isfara, B. Gafurov and Ghonchi) and in the Republic of Tajikistan as a whole in 2011 and first two quarters of 2012.

According to the agreement signed between the Institute of Advanced Training of Civil Servants of Tajikistan and the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation it has been planned to develop a module and conduct trainings on gender budgeting for specialists from various branches. Two days workshops will be conducted from 1 to 8 August 2013 in the frameworks of the UN Women project. These workshops are being conducted by trainers who went through trainings at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation in Moscow.

The participants of the workshops are representatives of the following ministries and agencies: Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan, Committee on Youth, Sport and Tourism Affairs, State Committee on Women and Family Affairs and Khukumat of Dushanbe city.

UN Women local expert in Tajikistan provided an expert support for the main partners of the Institute of Advanced Training of Civil Servants of the Republic of Tajikistan and the above mentioned ministries and agencies to strengthen their capacity in forecasting and developing gender-sensitive budgets.


Gender Budgeting (GB) - is the application of gender mainstreaming in the budgetary process. GB means integration of a gender approach in the budgets of the various administrations, departments and agencies. The development of gender budgeting allows to see how budget allocations affect the economic and social opportunities for men and women.
Currently, for modern Tajikistan, one of the most important tasks in the social sphere is to improve social policy, taking into account the principles of gender equality.
Such attention to social policy and particularly to its gender dimension is dictated by a number of burning problems of socio-economic development of the country, of which it is necessary mentioning the following: mass poverty, low female employment, and mass labor migration, traditionalism in the sphere of family and gender relations. All this, in combination with limited economic capabilities of the state and large-scale informal sector in the economy considerably complicates the decision-making process in the social sphere. At the same time within the framework of gender studies, the gender budgeting is a new but rapidly growing area. Therefore it is important, by using the approaches, developed within the framework of gender analysis of budgets, find out what is the contribution of women in the formation of the budget of the Republic of Tajikistan, and the use of budget funds.

For more information please contact: 
Viloyat Mirzoeva
Tajikistan Portfolio Manager
UN Women in Tajikistan
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