UN Women Programme in Ukraine continues supporting GRB initiatives


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On 11 - 13 June 2013 UN Women Programme in Ukraine “Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality” in partnership with the Friederich Ebert Foundation conducted a training “Gender-Responsive Budgeting (GRB) at the Local Level: Validation of sectoral strategies, policies and programmes selected for gender analysis using the GRB methodology”. This is the second training module of the “Gender and Social & Economic Justice” School that aims to strengthen capacity of consultants and local authorities on the GRB methodology and its application to the municipal programmes on social and economic development.

The training was held for the period of three days and was attended by 29 participants from L’viv, Kharkiv, Poltava, Kherson, Zhitomir, Lutsk, Chuguev, Bakhchisaray, Cherkassy, Gola Pristan and Kyiv. Gender equality advocates, GRB consultants and experts, representatives of CSO’s and local government participated in the event.

As the result of the working groups’ discussions:
• six pilot cities have selected local programmes to conduct GRB analysis;
• relevant gender-disaggregated statistics and preliminary approaches to GRB analysis of selected programmes were reviewed by GRB experts and participants, and appropriate recommendations were provided;
• stakeholders, channels of influence, messages for mass-media to lobby GRB in selected programmes at the local level were identified;
• Joint Action Plan for the period June-August 2013 was developed.

On 13-14 June, 2013, GRB experts’ meeting took place. It was attended by 14 GRB experts from Poltava, Kyiv, Kherson, Lusk, Zhitomir and L’viv. The meeting was aimed to develop a strategy for initiating institutionalization of GRB at the national level in Ukraine.

The objectives of the experts’ meeting were:
• to review existing international GRB instruments and studies;
• to review GRB indicators and sub-indicators;
• to identify GRB instruments relevant to Ukraine;
• to identify entry points for GRB in budgetary process at the national level in Ukraine;
• to identify stakeholders, channels of influence, mass media for the GRB lobbying campaign at the national level;
• to develop a Joint Action Plan to persuade the national government to develop normative guidelines on GRB.

Mrs. Tatiana Ivanina, head of the Poltava Region Division of the “League of Social Workers of Ukraine”, reviewed existing international GRB instruments and studies. Dr. Oksana Kisselyova, UN Women National Programme Coordinator, shared international experience on GRB indicators and sub-indicators. The experts community actively discussed budget reform in Ukraine, more specifically, transition to performance based budget as an entry point for gender indicators inclusion. Joint Action Plan for the period June-August 2013 has been developed.

The results of the second training module and GRB expert’s meeting proved to be essential steps for lobbying GRB at the local and national level in Ukraine.