Women's voices, knowledge, and leadership at the heart of humanitarian action
Like everywhere in the world, women in Serbia play a key role in responding to the COVID-19 outbreak, including as front-line healthcare workers, carers at home, community leaders and mobilisers. Experience of other disease outbreaks shows that this exposure also increases their risk of infection. As the coronavirus crisis unfolds, UN Women in Serbia is working hard to support different groups of women, ensure their equal voice in decision-making, and analyze the impact of the pandemic on women's lives. This publication aims to showcase the inspiring stories of 13 extraordinary women working tirelessly at the forefront of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Bibliographic information
Geographic coverage:
Europe and Central Asia
Subject areas:
Ageing/older people
Crisis response and recovery
Economic empowerment
Ending violence against women and girls
Gender equality and women’s empowerment
Gender mainstreaming
Gender, culture and society
Humanitarian action
Laws, legislation
Rural women
Service delivery
Women farmers
Women with disabilities
UN Women office publishing:
Serbia Country Office
Publication year
Number of pages
Publishing entity/ies:
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
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