Analysis of Vulnerabilities of Women and Men in the Context of Decentralization in the Conflict-Affected Areas of Ukraine

Ukraine is undergoing a process of decentralization to create an effective system of local government. "Analysis of Vulnerabilities of Women and Men in the Context of Decentralization in the Conflict-Affected Areas of Ukraine" unpacks the challenges in implementing decentralization reform in the conflict-affected areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of eastern Ukraine, reveals entrenched inequalities and discriminatory attitudes, and provides evidence for looking beyond the averages and finding groups of women and men who have been left behind, and then to understand what their problems are. The analysis focuses on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Persons with Disabilities, People Living with HIV/AIDS, Older People, and Female-headed households.
While, in theory, decentralization would bring more opportunities for women to participate in local planning, so far, the reform planning, implementation and monitoring mechanisms and process does not provide for any formal participation of women’s groups. Women facing multiple forms of discrimination are almost entirely excluded from the decision-making.
This analysis is based on reviews of a number of secondary sources and studies that prove that neglecting vulnerable groups resulted in the violation of the human rights of these groups and of their individual members. The analysis is also based on findings from individual interviews and discussions with local authorities and with women and men from the communities, as well as gender equality advocates and human rights practitioners at the national, regional and community levels.
The Analysis of Vulnerabilities was conducted in the framework of the UNDP/UN Women Joint Programme “Restoration of Governance and Reconciliation in Crisis-Affected Communities of Ukraine” funded by the European Union.
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Tamar Tavartkiladze, Programme Manager, tamar.tavartkiladze@unwomen.org