Gender-Responsive Budgeting in Ukraine: Theory and Practice

GRB cover
Tatiana Ivanina, Svitlana Ievchenko, Nelli Karpets, Olena Mykytas, Olena Ostapchuk, Natalia Riabushenko, Olga Zhukova, Oksana Yarosh

"Gender-Responsive Budgeting in Ukraine: Theory and Practice" was developed by experts of the NGO "Bureau of Gender Policies and Budgeting" to help the advocates of gender equality, representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, academitians and wide public to understand and apply key concepts and principles, gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) and costing tools. The proposed GRB methodology adapts international studies and experience to budget process in Ukraine. It ensures the integration of gender component in the budgets of different levels that exist in Ukraine: national, regional and local, as well as sectoral and institutional. It provides detailed explanation of recommended 5 steps of GRB and costing gender equality. Summarizing the UN Women 4-years cooperation with the Friederich Ebert Foundation, this publication presents good GRB practicies at the local level in Ukraine.

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English and Ukranian
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Anastasia Divinskaya, UN Womenh Gender Advisor in Ukraine, +38 044 253 59 80

Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Manuals/guides
Publication year
Number of pages
Publishing entity/ies: External