Budget Allocation for Domestic Violence Services at Municipal Level; Functionality of Coordination Mechanisms and Knowledge on Gender-responsive Budgeting

GRB GBV Research
Ardiana Gashi/local consultant

Overall, this assessment aims to gain a better understanding of gender-responsive budgeting at the municipal level in Kosovo. To do this, it examines how gender-responsive budgeting coordination mechanisms function and tests their members' knowledge and application of gender-responsive budgeting.

This assessment studies the Kosovo municipalities of Dragash, Gjakova and Gjilan to see if they have a budget line for domestic violence, how they budget and from which budget line any support is provided. This was done to identify potential budget lines for future allocation of funds for domestic violence protection services.

In addition, the assessment seeks to understand the functionality of coordination mechanisms. As these include representatives from all institutions engaged in providing services for domestic violence survivors, this enables an assessment of their development needs and their ability to offer adequate services to domestic violence survivors.

Finally, it assesses coordinating mechanisms members' knowledge of gender responsive budgeting and if their institutions apply this knowledge to gender-responsive budgeting procedures.

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Armenda filipaj /project assistant/armenda.filipaj@unwomen.org

Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Assessments
Publication year
Number of pages