Moldova Makes First Step towards Ratification of International Labour Organization Convention on Workers with Family Responsibilities



UN Women Programme “Women’s Economic Empowerment” (WEE) in Moldova jointly with International Labour Organization (ILO) organized a workshop with representatives of the ministries of Labour, Social Affairs, Economy, Education, Finance and Foreign Affairs, Trade Unions and Employers’ Associations on “International Labour Organization Convention 156 on Workers with Families Responsibilities” on 25 July 2012.

Adopted in 1981, the ILO Convention 156 on Equal Chances and Treatment for Men and Women Workers: Workers with Family Responsibilities provides for the principles of non-discrimination against workers with family responsibilities. On daily basis the conflict between work and family responsibilities affects everyone: workers and their families, employers and companies, state and society as a whole.

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In the Republic of Moldova statistical data on reconciliation of work and family life indicates that women are primarily responsible for dependents (60%). For the majority of employees (88.5%) the work schedule is not flexible although the legislation allows having work schedule on individual basis. 70% from the total number of employees who would like to change their work schedule are women. 70% of employees benefit of child care services and 62% of employees re-entered the labour market when the child was below three years old according to the National Bureau of Statistics publication “Reconciliation of work and family life in Moldova” (2010).

Mrs Lilia Pascal, Head of Directorate Policies to Ensure Gender Equality and Prevention of Violence, Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, noted that “Convention 156 puts solid mechanism for ensuring equal treatment for women and men in the society taking into account their roles and responsibilities within family. Today we have the opportunity to have an in-depth discussion around the convention and see what measures have to be taken towards ratification process”.
Representatives of trade unions, employers associations and state institutions reiterated during the event the importance of reconciliation between work and family life, taking into account the existing realities. Ratification of ILO Convention 156 represents an opportunity to allow workers with family responsibilities, both women and men, to reconcile their public and private life, supporting stable income and career prospects.
In Europe up to date 23 states ratified the convention. The event was a joint initiative organized by UN Women Programme and the International Labour Organization (ILO), within UN Women WEE Programme.

UN Women Programme “Women’s Economic Empowerment” is implemented jointly with Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family and Ministry of Economy with the financial support of Government of Sweden.

Information on the workshop was also placed on the following websites: and