E-book on 16 Days of Activism Campaign to End Violence against Women in 2013

E-book 16 Days 2013
Project staff from UN Women and Re-publica PR consultant

This e-book was produced during  the online 16 days of Activism Campaign to End Violence against Women held in Kosovo in 2013 from. It contains 16 stories on 16 gender-based violence themes written by a PR consultant from the Re-publica PR company. Each interview has a link to the video of the message of the role model chosen to represent re specific theme. The e-book’s first pages provides facts and figures on gender-based violence. Available on the campaign website at  http://www.16days-noviolence-ks.com/campaign2013 in English, Albanian and Serbian, the e-book was shared with all UN Women partners and the UN in Kosovo’s Security and Gender Group, which is chaired by the UN Women in Kosovo Project Office.

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English, Albanian, Serbian
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Armenda Filipaj

Project Assistant

UN Women

Address: Hyzri Talla 26/1

10000 Pristina, Kosovo

Mobile: +377 44 159 481

Office: +381 38 554 645/651/654

E-mail: armenda.filipaj@unwomen.org

Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Books
Publication year
Number of pages